Drought Information Website

Drought monitoring program was initiated since early 2001.


To disseminate info, on-line on the Water Resources Status. To provide early warning on Potential Drought. Technical Advisory on Drought Status.


Close relationship between water resources status and current rainfall amount received. Therefore, in this program rainfall data of 41 selected stations are used in the analysis to reflect the water resources status of Peninsular Malaysia. In this case the percentage of deviation from the long term mean (LTM) value of 3 monthly moving rainfall totals is used as indicator of the water catchments condition. A negative deviation from the LTM value indicates that the particular region is experiencing a dryer than normal condition and vice versa.

Hydrology Drought

Occurs when the river discharge and dam level decrease continuously . This situation can define by the changing as below :-

River Discharges

The low flow exceed 5 years Average Recurrence Interval, ARI continuously in 3 months consider drought.

Dam Levels

Occurs when dam levels below alert level at least 2 or 3 months continuously.


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